"Stop Judging Me!!!"
Many People are quick to accuse another person of being judgemental when they are challenged on their beliefs, worldviews, or even simple matters. This is a popular response of many people to Christians or to anybody when they feel they are being "lectured" or told what to do, and how to think.
When accused of being judgemental, Christians should first ask the accuser of what he means by being "judgemental." It is best to settle on a definition that both agree on and then go from there. If the accuser defines judging as thinking another person to be wrong, then they themselves have also judged the other person for for stating they were wrong for judging others.
As Christians we know that the Bible tells us not to judge ( Matthew 7:1-2, James 4:12), but the natural man is judgemental from birth. Christianity believes that there is one judge, and that we are not to judge others but God should judge people. But the fact of the matter is that humans are judgemental whether they are Morman, Catholic, Islamic, Hindu, or even Christian. Judging Wrong? yes and no. When Jesus condemned judging, he wasn't saying we should never make judgements about people, but first examine ourselves first before trying to help another.
In a situation where two people are argueing about one being judgemental to the other, they should be sure of their definition of "judging others", and then be aware of what the Bible says about judging others.