Saturday, March 11, 2006

Christians: Are they truly Tolerant?

Most people say Christians are intolerant of other viewpoints. Some argue that the Crusades and the Inquisition are prime examples of "Christian intolerance". One must realize that these events were the makings of a small sect of over zealous Christians not the whole community of believers. Also one must define their terms. For instance relativist define tolerance as " the equality of all religions or truth claims", but the correct definition of true tolerance is "putting up with error". By saying "error" one must concede to the fact that there is a standard by which all things are based. This would also cause one to say that this standard is the one truth. One can see that the relativist have warped the true meaning of tolerance to fit their ideals, and in doing this they have lost the true meaning of tolerance in their eager pursuit of bringing people to their ideas, or what they believe to be the absolute truth.


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